Product Description
1985 French Bodybuilding Championships: Men and Women
Filmed in black and white - Awesome quality
Charismatic Guest posers - Tom Platz and Dominique Darde
A surprise winner in the Middleweight Junior - popular NABBA identity and 1996 NABBA Mr. World Olivier Ripert. He is also a brilliant poser, and won the best poser award at the NABBA Universe in 1995.
Add this rare gem to your collection today!
Juniors under 70 kg
Francois Pitareh
Juniors under 80 kg
Olivier Ripert
Juniors over 80 kg
Jocelyn Pradeau
Masters under 70 kg
Roger Beringuer
Masters under 80 kg
Jean Claude Raphoz
Masters over 80 kg
Bruno Charlon
Women under 52 kg
Gloria Bouvier
Women over 52 kg
Christine Goy
Brief Tom Platz interview on stage
Men under 70 kg
Serge Belkaris
Men under 80 kg
Daniel Bernardino
Men under 90 kg
Robert Ruffie
Men over 90 kg
Alain Perraud
Dominique Chaumel & Daniel Daraspe
Tom Platz and Dominique Darde Guest Posers.
Running Time: 105 mins
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