Product Description
Dave Sinnott Workout
A basic weight training workout and nutrition program demonstrated by trainer to the stars, Dave Sinnott.
This inspirational workout program will get you started towards being the best you can be.
I have a different approach to Diet and Fitness than the current Industry Experts. But I also have a different story from most of the people in the industry. My background, burn-out, breakdown and comeback is the driving force behind my new approach.
My approach, called Sinnergy, was forged over the last 16 years. At the height of my career, as a top celebrity trainer and fitness model, I burned out and my body broke down. My burnout and breakdown was from more than a decade of overmotivation, overdiscipline and overtraining.
Before the personal training Industry came into existence, I had already established myself as one of the top trainers in the Industry.
Too many people are working too hard and getting too little rewards for thier efforts. Sinnergy is all about Dieting and Training smarter not harder.
Running Time: 45 mins
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